Friday, September 24, 2010

Health Edupublication for 9/30

Here's what's the what for next week:

WRITE: one or two paragraphs describing your proposed zine concept and formatting idea. If you're trying to decide between a few good options, try to narrow these down to two. We'll do individual meetings to help hone these ideas for your final proposals.

If you're feeling really lost in this area, describe what you identify as your main challenges in developing the zine.

FIND, READ, and PRESENT ON: Two published zines that you feel inform your own approach in some way, either in terms of content, aesthetic, writing style etc. Try to choose two that represent different aspects - for instance, one might have to do with content you're interested in working with, while another might represent a stylistic approach that interests you... or that you'd like to avoid.

If you're not sure where to start, here are some leads:
* visit Quimby's bookstore to browse their selection of small-press materials. You can start with their new "health" section, near the front of the store, but take a look at anything else that jumps out at you. Other places to find and buy zines (though there will be fewer to choose from) include Chicago Comics, Women and Children First, No Coast, Golden Age, and, if you're lucky, your local independent record store or comics shop.

* check out the downloadable/printable zines at online archives like, the queer zine archive, and the Small Science Collective. Keep in mind that most of these zines will require navigating the double-sided printing issue we ran into with last week's readings (most printers don't offer the option of double-sided printing). The exception is Small Science Collective, which uses the same small single-sheet format we used for our introductory zines in class.

* talk with friends who may have their own small zine collections, and see what they recommend and/or let you borrow.

* search the zine collections of the Chicago Underground Library, Depaul University Zine Collection, or our own Joan Flasch collection. These libraries do NOT generally allow their materials to circulate (i.e. you can't take the zines out with you) but most zines will have ordering information on them. If you find a zine you like, you can contact Quimby's or check online to see if you can get copies that way.

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